
Showing posts from March, 2018

Become Something to Brag About

As I've said on this blog before, beating Michigan just hasn't been something to really brag about for most of the last 10 years. If UCF can go from 0-12 to 13-0 in a matter of two years, then anything is indeed possible.  Harbaugh just needs to get back to coaching. It's quite possible he spread himself a little too thin those first few years. Yes, I understand the whole "attack each day with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind" mantra, but sometimes a pedal to the metal approach snowballs into something so big that you start to forget about the details. I guarantee you that Mark Dantonio doesn't forget about the details. Urban Meyer definitely doesn't forget about the details either. And Nick Saban? No, he doesn't forget about the details. Get the picture?  There's nothing wrong with what Harbaugh has done and accomplished so far at Michigan, as it extends way beyond the game on the field. Grades on the team are up. Kids are graduating w...